I went on an outing to a cute, quaint bakery that has wifi. A change of scenery from my apartment and unfurling my legs and walking in was good for my spirit. I got a little something to eat and iced tea. I sat in this atmosphere with people quietly chatting for three hours researching and writing. It was wonderful.

Jesus took time from people to be alone. I took time from being alone to being in an active room. We need both. Can’t live properly without both. Monks live in solitude and silence. That’s their calling. But i’m meant for a few people at least.

And though a man might prevail against him who is alone, two will withstand him. A threefold cord is not quickly broken. (Ecclesiastes 4:12 AMP) being single means we have to find friends. There’s a song by Chris Tomlin about angel armies. Well, angels are indispensable. But so are our friends. They walk with us through this life, keep us smiling or cry by our side when we do.

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